Interview with Entrepreneur Candi Obrentz of The Candi Dish & RestoPresto


When I first launched my business, I sought guidance for many things: textiles, manufacturing basics, intellectual property, how to form an LLC, how in the WORLD do you get exposure and press for your product invention…you know, stuff like that! When I brilliantly engaged a fellow innovative entrepreneurial friend who generously shared her knowledge, she also introduced me to her friend, Sabina Hitchen. SCORE! I was taken by Sabina’s positive energy and genuine interest in my product creation, RestoPresto (and me). THEN the teaching began. No strings attached information sharing, tips, suggestions and ideas. WOWSA!

So when Sabina requested an interview with me to discuss my entrepreneurial journey and amazing accomplishment of RestoPresto being featured on the TODAY SHOW, I leaped at the opportunity.

Here is a link to the interview:

If you are a small business owner who needs guidance on navigating the world of PR and press (let’s face it, what entrepreneur doesn’t?), check out Sabina Knows (you can thank me later)!

All the best,

RestoPresto is a compact gadget that has TONS of uses!

RestoPresto is a compact gadget that has TONS of uses!

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