On the first day of the new year there is enormous promise for the next 365 days and I hope that your next trip around the sun is filled with the best of health, peace and happiness.
2016 was an incredible year for me personally and professionally: namely, I formed friendships and connections with inspirational people who make the world a better place AND expanded the brand of my product invention RestoPresto.
Many times this past year, I was asked for advice and help on starting a business, creating a product and what steps I took to obtain a design patent from the USPTO for RestoPresto. This has prompted me to offer advisory services (on a one-off or continuing basis) on the basics and particulars. “Where to start”; “how to protect your idea as you move forward”; “suggestions on forming an LLC”, “the importance of intellectual property/protecting your idea” and “legal tips from a small business owner perspective”, “prototyping”, “launching”, “crowdfunding”, “entrepreneurial support groups” and “brand building” to name a few! Supply & demand, right?!? So if you are exploring the creation of a product or ready to move to the next stage and need guidance from someone who has recently “been there and done that”, please contact me to discuss partnering on your venture. Knowledge is power and I would be happy to see if I can be of assistance by sharing what I know and what I would have done differently.

On the set of “This is It with Cheldin Barlatt Rumer” in Philadelphia to discuss all things entrepreneurship & RestoPresto
I am not big on new year’s resolutions, HOWEVER I do hope to post more on The Candi Dish to share stories, snapshots and suggestions with YOU! Oh and of course to have more fun than I did in 2016!
Happy 2017,