Free to Create: Give yourself permission to leave your comfort zone!

You would think that I am used to seeing my photo and articles “out there” on the world wide web, right? NOPE…it took my breath away to see that I am the “#ResetYour Ambassador of the Day” for The Reset for sharing my story about giving myself permission to completely leave my comfort zone to create RestoPresto.

This decision not only reset my life, it completely transformed my life! Click on this hyperlink to read my #ResetYour story

As I grow the RestoPresto business, I am once again leaving my comfort zone in a different way: I am building an advisory business that helps people bring their own product ideas to life. After I launched RestoPresto to the market, I received SO many questions: how did you know what to do? how did you make a prototype? what is a prototype? how did you get a patent? what is a trademark? how did you run a successful Kickstarter campaign? how did you figure out shipping rates? who helped you with your logo? how do you manage social media? HOW? WHO? WHAT? WHY? So many fantastic questions, all of which MUST be answered. So to supply the demand for guidance on bringing a product idea to life, I offer customized advisory services. Each “case” is different, each stage is different and each client is different so I work with you to create a personalized plan to get you where you want and need to be.

A new website is on the way and in the meantime, if you have any questions about how we or someone you know can work together, please contact me. No question or need is too small and of course, if you want to be added to the RestoPresto waiting list for out-of-stock RPs, hit me up!

The Reset is a terrific source of inspiration, information and ideas for me and I love that my personal and professional stories align with their mission to embrace changes: big and small in order to be your best self! Subscribe and follow @theresetsocial !

It Was 23 Years Ago Today – Part 1

Happy 23rd Manhattanversary to me!

Repurposing the following post from 3 years ago when I celebrated my 20th Manhattan-versary!!

So much has happened in 3 years….my network of phenomenal people across the globe continues to blossom, my beloved product invention RestoPresto was granted a design patent AND was featured on The Today Show with Kathie Lee and Hoda; I spoke at an event for Escape The City about changing careers after 40, which was liberating and was asked to contribute to a new digital magazine called The Reset which published my article about being “45, Single, Childfree & Joyful”; I have attended events, concerts and productions which took my breath away; I launched an advisory business to help people navigate the challenging process of bringing an idea for a product to market, which is incredibly fulfilling AND I am constantly learning new things in business, about history, about myself, about life and of course, about New York.

I am grateful for all of it and do not take anything for granted!

Please enjoy my re-post and feel free to share it, make comments and of course contact me with any questions about my advisory services, RestoPresto or my “Guide to Manhattan”.


Sidewalk Chalk Writing

Sidewalk Chalk Writing

Well, it was “20 years ago today” last week to be exact. I moved to NY in May of 1994 with enormous enthusiasm, money borrowed from my younger Sister, a job, no apartment, few contacts and a heap of certainty.

1994 Skyline

1994 Skyline

20 years later, I am grateful to NY for being my home, my comfort, my springboard on which to move forward, stand still and temporarily revert at my own pace and on my own terms.


“Manhattanhenge” 2013

“Manhattanhenge” 2013


Despite the constant change of skyline, storefront and trends, NY is not fickle with respect to her endless possibilities, diversity, vibrancy and genuine heart and soul.


Tulips in Midtown

Central Park

Central Park

Queensboro (Ed Koch) Bridge

Queensboro (Ed Koch) Bridge


Celebrating Super Bowl XLVIII n the City


Anne Frank Center, Downtown

The Anne Frank Center, Downtown











I have taken tons of snapshots of the City over the years and have chosen some favorites to share!


Waterford Crystal Times Square New Year’s Eve Ball

Waterford Crystal Times Square New Year’s Eve Ball










Park Avenue

Park Avenue


Each snap celebrates a remarkable moment that is uniquely New York.

Central Park Snowstorm

Upper West Side

Upper West Side




Bryant Park

Bryant Park

Stay tuned for Part II (and possibly a Part III) with more snaps!

East River

East River

Here’s to the next 20 years, my dear Manhattan!

There is nothing un-fun about making liberating choices: 45, Single, Child-Free & Joyful!

Have you heard of The Reset? It is a digital home base that launched in early 2017 for a new generation of women who are choosing to do things differently. It’s a community that marries relevant, relatable content with curated commerce. I love how it provides inspiration, information and ideas for how to be your best self and since it is for real women who live real lives (like me), I double love it.

So you can imagine how excited I am that The Reset published my article: “45, Single, Child-Free & Joyful” today! Here is a link, please enjoy and definitely follow The Reset on Facebook, Instagram & Pinterest as @TheResetSocial.

You can follow me @candiobrentz on Twitter and my little nugget of a product invention @RestoPresto on Twitter & Instagram!

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